Tópico Oficial Red Dead Redemption 2 - Era Uma Vez no Oeste

jackzsul EX

Março 10, 2014
"We’re trying to create a world where everything is more cohesive, so that both the player’s actions and the way the world reacts to your actions feel consistent no matter what you do or where you do it," he continues. "It’s persistent and alive, but also more deliberate and intimate in ways which makes sense for a world where you were still mostly getting around by horse or on foot. You can exchange stories with a barman in a saloon, talk yourself out of trouble with a local lawman, hijack a train or simply rummage through the drawers of an old homestead hoping to find cash or just some food to help the gang survive — and seamlessly transition between these things in ways that are both fun and in keeping with Arthur as a character."

esse jogo vai me fazer comprar um lançamento.

E para quem ainda tinha dúvidas se haveria troca de personagens:
"Switching characters made sense and was a lot of fun in Grand Theft Auto V," Bass says, before adding, "Sticking with a single character felt more appropriate for the structure and narrative of a Western. Arthur lives with and fights alongside the other members of the Van der Linde gang, and they are a group of fully realized characters with relationships to each other and to Arthur, but this is Arthur’s story and we are placing players firmly in Arthur’s boots as he and the gang deal with a rapidly changing world. We think people will really love the feeling of being in the gang. It isn’t like anything we’ve done before."


Agosto 28, 2018
Garanti na pré venda com Steelbook por R$ 195,74 <3

Provavelmente é o jogo mais caro que eu já comprei, fora que é a segunda vez que pego na pré venda na minha vida. Espero não me arrepender :v
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Reações: User 1422

jackzsul EX

Março 10, 2014
tentei pegar ontem, mas o site Xbox não me deixava pagar com meus créditos. Vou tentar hoje de novo e se não conseguir, vou pro suporte.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Rapaz, eu tava dando uma olhada aqui nas edições que tão sendo comercializadas no Brasil, me parece que a Edição Steelbook que tá sendo vendida por algumas lojas (e que eu postei aqui a alguns dias) na faixa de R$191 - R$250 é equivalente a Edição Definitiva que tá sendo vendida a R$350 na PSN e na Live...

Ao que parece a edição Steelbook é comercializada somente no Brasil, e tanto o site de vendas oficial da Rockstar quanto o blog estão noticiando isso.

Essa é a imagem promocional do Steelbook:


A descrição:
Red Dead Redemption 2: Edição Definitiva oferece todo o conteúdo da Edição Especial para o Modo História, além de bônus para o Modo Online, incluindo:

Trajes bônus: adquira dois trajes exclusivos para o seu personagem online. O traje Caçador de Recompensas de Blackrose inclui um casaco longo vermelho escuro, um colete com corrente de relógio de bolso dourado e calças escuras com botas de couro marrom-chocolate. O traje Executor de Copperhead inclui um casaco com pele de couro marrom, luvas de duas tonalidades e calças pretas risca-de-giz com botas de couro pretas.

Puro-Sangue Inglês Alazão Preto: ultrapasse os adversários com esse cavalo de corrida puro-sangue inglês alazão preto e receba também a exclusiva Sela de Planalto elaborada em detalhes de metal dourado. O cavalo e a sela estão disponíveis no Modo Online.

Acesso gratuito ao tema de acampamento "sobrevivente": personalize seu acampamento pessoal no Modo Online com acesso gratuito ao tema "sobrevivente".

Acesso grátis a armas adicionais: ganhe acesso à Pistola Volcanic, à Escopeta Pump-Action e ao Rifle Antipragas Lancaster, gratuitamente em armeiros do Modo Online.

Bônus de ranking: para os jogadores da Edição Definitiva subirem mais rapidamente no ranking do Modo Online, até o ranking 25.


E no site de vendas, ao setar:
- Brasil
- Plataforma
- Mídia Física
- Ultimate Edition

Ele indica a versão com Steelbook

Site pra quem quiser testar:
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Reações: benevides.94


Março 26, 2016
Belo Horizonte
Rapaz, eu tava dando uma olhada aqui nas edições que tão sendo comercializadas no Brasil, me parece que a Edição Steelbook que tá sendo vendida por algumas lojas (e que eu postei aqui a alguns dias) na faixa de R$191 - R$250 é equivalente a Edição Definitiva que tá sendo vendida a R$350 na PSN e na Live...

Ao que parece a edição Steelbook é comercializada somente no Brasil, e tanto o site de vendas oficial da Rockstar quanto o blog estão noticiando isso.

Essa é a imagem promocional do Steelbook:


A descrição:
Red Dead Redemption 2: Edição Definitiva oferece todo o conteúdo da Edição Especial para o Modo História, além de bônus para o Modo Online, incluindo:

Trajes bônus: adquira dois trajes exclusivos para o seu personagem online. O traje Caçador de Recompensas de Blackrose inclui um casaco longo vermelho escuro, um colete com corrente de relógio de bolso dourado e calças escuras com botas de couro marrom-chocolate. O traje Executor de Copperhead inclui um casaco com pele de couro marrom, luvas de duas tonalidades e calças pretas risca-de-giz com botas de couro pretas.

Puro-Sangue Inglês Alazão Preto: ultrapasse os adversários com esse cavalo de corrida puro-sangue inglês alazão preto e receba também a exclusiva Sela de Planalto elaborada em detalhes de metal dourado. O cavalo e a sela estão disponíveis no Modo Online.

Acesso gratuito ao tema de acampamento "sobrevivente": personalize seu acampamento pessoal no Modo Online com acesso gratuito ao tema "sobrevivente".

Acesso grátis a armas adicionais: ganhe acesso à Pistola Volcanic, à Escopeta Pump-Action e ao Rifle Antipragas Lancaster, gratuitamente em armeiros do Modo Online.

Bônus de ranking: para os jogadores da Edição Definitiva subirem mais rapidamente no ranking do Modo Online, até o ranking 25.


E no site de vendas, ao setar:
- Brasil
- Plataforma
- Mídia Física
- Ultimate Edition

Ele indica a versão com Steelbook

Site pra quem quiser testar:

Cara, também estou nessa expectativa, mas só vendo pra crer. Comprei no submarino e só falava que vinha com o steelbook, sem entrar em mais detalhes. No site do distribuidor no Brasil não fala nada também.

Comprei essa versão pelo preço e estou na esperança que venham esses conteúdos exclusivos também. Mas não dá pra afirmar com certeza que virá com esses dlcs.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Cara, também estou nessa expectativa, mas só vendo pra crer. Comprei no submarino e só falava que vinha com o steelbook, sem entrar em mais detalhes. No site do distribuidor no Brasil não fala nada também.

Comprei essa versão pelo preço e estou na esperança que venham esses conteúdos exclusivos também. Mas não dá pra afirmar com certeza que virá com esses dlcs.
Então, eu nunca levo em consideração descrição de sites terceiros, porque eles nunca sabem o que tão vendendo, ainda mais um jogo em pré-venda que nem estoque deve ter.
Ver isso no site e no blog oficial da Rockstar me deixa com uma impressão boa sobre o conteúdo que vem nessa física.

Essa edição física já vale pro Steelbook e pelo mapa, se vier todo o resto, bicho, vai ser win demais.
  • Curtir
Reações: benevides.94


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

Rockstar anunciou que o componente online de Red Dead Redemption 2 será disponibilizado apenas em novembro, inicialmente em beta fechado para todos que comprarem o jogo.

Nota da Rockstar: https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60579/Red-Dead-Online
Today we’re excited to announce Red Dead Online, a new online connected experience set against the backdrop of Red Dead Redemption 2's enormous open world.

Red Dead Online is an evolution of the classic multiplayer experience in the original Red Dead Redemption, blending narrative with competitive and cooperative gameplay in fun new ways. Using the gameplay of the upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2 as a foundation, Red Dead Online will be ready to be explored alone or with friends, and will also feature constant updates and adjustments to grow and evolve this experience for all players.

Red Dead Online is planned for launch in November 2018, initially as a public beta, with more news to come soon. As with most online experiences of this size and scale, there will inevitably be some turbulence at launch. We look forward to working with our amazing and dedicated community to share ideas, help us fix teething problems and work with us to develop Red Dead Online into something really fun and innovative.

Access to Red Dead Online is free to anyone with a copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 on either PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will be available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26, 2018.
Perguntas e respostas da IGN: http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/09/19/red-dead-online-devs-reveal-first-details
Rockstar recently revealed Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer component, will launch in November 2018 (initially as a public beta). Considering the many questions we’ve had about the nature of Red Dead 2’s up-til-now mysterious online mode, we asked Imran Sarwar, Director of Design at Rockstar North, and Josh Needleman, Senior Producer at Rockstar San Diego, to go into a little more detail about Rockstar’s evolution in the realm of multiplayer.

The pair elaborated on what elements of GTA Online will appear in RDO and how it will differ, as well as why they aren’t launching it alongside the single-player mode and the lessons learned from GTA Online’s rocky start and subsequent success as an online game.

IGN: What can players expect from Red Dead Online? Will we have as much open-world freedom as we do in the single-player component?
Imran Sarwar
: Of course. Red Dead Online will use the world and gameplay mechanics of Red Dead Redemption 2 as a jumping off point for a new world of cowboys (and cowgirls) and outlaws that combines multiplayer and cooperative gameplay and narrative components in a huge open world. Players will be able explore alone or easily join with friends or other players to compete or work together. We’ll take full advantage of the entire world, as well as all the aspects of a 19th century setting that make Red Dead Redemption 2 unique and fun.

IGN: What do you want players to get out of Red Dead Online? What ambitions does Rockstar have in terms of evolving their idea of online open worlds?

Josh Needleman: Red Dead Redemption’s multiplayer was a real leap forward for us at the time. It was the first game that hinted at the real opportunities for open world multiplayer beyond cities, where the world was open as a place to create your own freeform gameplay, while at the same time was as a sort of living lobby for other, more structured kinds of game modes. Red Dead Redemption 2 will take those ideas much further and combine that with everything we’ve learned in the years since then with our favorite elements from Grand Theft Auto Online about how to make really fun and complex competitive and cooperative experiences in open worlds, and how to introduce narrative elements into multiplayer.

IGN: Why aren't you releasing Red Dead Online alongside Red Dead Redemption 2’s single-player experience?
There are a few reasons for this. The first is that even though Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online share the same gameplay mechanics and geography, we see them essentially as separate products that will grow and evolve independently of each other.

We love story-based, single-player games and they are the foundation of everything we do. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely massive story-based game that we hope people will be lost in for a long time and we want people to experience everything that world has to offer before we build on that with the Online experience. Not to mention, playing through the story and getting to know the controls and mechanics of the game is the best way to get ready for playing inside the world of Red Dead Online.

Also, as we have learned from experience when launching Online games at this scale, there are bound to be a few issues and we want to ensure that we have time to gradually roll out the game and make the experience as smooth as we possibly can for everyone. We believe this way of rolling out will give people the best overall experiences with both single player and multiplayer.

IGN: Aside from the obvious - the 21st-century setting/vehicles/tech/etc - how will this experience be different from Grand Theft Auto Online?
: One of the biggest differences between GTA and Red Dead universes is that you’re often speeding through or flying over a GTA world, whereas in Red Dead Redemption the change of pace elevates the intimacy of the overall experience. Like the single player game’s story of Arthur Morgan, we want people to settle into their online characters and feel like every activity makes sense for the character, the setting and the time. This should feel intimate and personal while still feeling fun and action-packed from moment to moment.

We’ve tried to take the best elements and best content packs from Grand Theft Auto Online and use them for templates for what we are making here. We feel Grand Theft Auto Online really only found its feet creatively with Heists. That pack, along with After Hours, The Doomsday Heist, Gun Running and a few others represent the best of Grand Theft Auto Online, and provided the template for what we wanted to use here, (not in terms of content, obviously, but how they combined narrative, gameplay, modes and other content into a cohesive thematic whole) alongside all of the elements we liked from the old Red Dead Redemption multiplayer.

IGN: What have you and the rest of the team learned from your experiences launching / designing / updating / supporting Grand Theft Auto Online?
The biggest problem with the original Red Dead Redemption's multiplayer was that every update we released fractured the audience. As the game got bigger, we separated our player base. Avoiding this was the inspiration behind Grand Theft Auto Online – we are obsessed by keeping the audience complete and experience beyond perpetual. Beyond this, after lots of trial and error (!!!), we feel we have found a way to make multiplayer games that feel like Rockstar experiences, combining personality, gameplay, style, narrative and variety into the packs. That did not really begin to happen until we released the first Heists pack. Our aim this time is to hopefully get there a bit more quicker, but still be responsive to what people enjoy playing and evolve as we go.

IGN: What happens to Grand Theft Auto Online after Red Dead Online launches?
We still have big plans for Grand Theft Auto Online and we will continue to roll out updates for the foreseeable future. We vaguely plan to stagger the updates of both games so that players can switch between the two, but our development plans may not always allow this! We think there will be a lot to love about Red Dead Online for fans of Grand Theft Auto Online, but we think that Red Dead Online will generate its own audience ready for something entirely new – however, exactly what form Red Dead Online will take as it finds it’s feet, we are not sure ourselves, but we think really want a focus on role-playing and morality. That may all change as the game comes out, but that’s the direction we are heading in now! And we are going to be working together on that with our incredible community to make this online experience into something amazing.


Novembro 11, 2006
Mais importante: vão continuar com shark cards ou vai ter um piranha card pra RDR Online? :joy:

Só o single me interessa agora, online é bônus pra depois se não tiver nada melhor pra jogar.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Acredito que, assim como GTA V, não teremos DLC single-player para RDR 2.
Espero que a campanha seja boa, mas confesso que estou menos empolgado.
Última boa campanha da Rockstar em relação a história foi RDR 1 em 2010, lá se vão oito anos.
Última edição:

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