Tópico Oficial CupHead - 01 Diabo e Dois Copos


Lobo Solitário
Maio 5, 2013
Studio MDHR parece que não quer, no Era, cara de lá disse que não tem planos do jogo aparecer em qualquer serviço desses em um futuro próximo.

Isso provavelmente quer dizer que o jogo ainda vende bem. Mas é difícil de acreditar... já passou tanto tempo.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Sobre a dlc, alguém sabe se já foi liberado algo?
Tu diz o The Delicious Last Course? Tá agendado pra 2019 ainda.

  • Featuring Ms. Chalice as a brand new playable character with a modified moveset and new abilities. Once acquired, Ms. Chalice is fully playable through the DLC and the original Cuphead adventure!
  • Traverse a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the most wacky and monstrous bosses Cuphead has faced yet!
  • Find new weapons and charms to aid you in overcoming brand new challenges and setting new records on old bosses!
  • Help Chef Saltbaker on a brand new adventure to uncover the mystery of Legendary Chalice's secret quest!


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
E o DLC The Delicious Last Course ficou pra 2020 também.

Fun fact: The Delicious Last Course = "The DLC".


Última edição:


Hold The Door.
Fevereiro 5, 2015
Tu diz o The Delicious Last Course? Tá agendado pra 2019 ainda.

  • Featuring Ms. Chalice as a brand new playable character with a modified moveset and new abilities. Once acquired, Ms. Chalice is fully playable through the DLC and the original Cuphead adventure!
  • Traverse a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the most wacky and monstrous bosses Cuphead has faced yet!
  • Find new weapons and charms to aid you in overcoming brand new challenges and setting new records on old bosses!
  • Help Chef Saltbaker on a brand new adventure to uncover the mystery of Legendary Chalice's secret quest!

O que eu queria mesmo era um Coop online.
  • Curtir
Reações: Gustavo_RVieira


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
E Cuphead vai virar série na Netflix. Ainda está no princípio e sem previsão de lançamento, com uma história diferente do que foi contado no jogo e um humor que tenha apelo tanto para crianças e jovens como também para adultos. O desenho será feito "à mão" mas de maneira digitalizada, e não pelo Studio MDHR porque, segundo eles, "nunca ficaria pronto", mas por um estúdio interno da própria Netflix. No fim do artigo, tem a informação que Cuphead vendeu 4 milhões de cópias também.

Que bela sacada, vai popularizar ainda mais a franquia.


“We are not going to be animating this [ourselves] because it would never be finished,” Cuphead co-creator Chad Moldenhauer told IGN with a laugh during a phone interview. “The current goal is to stay as far away from [computer-assisted] puppeteer animation as possible,” he added. “The idea will still be that every frame is hand-drawn” but probably not on paper. “It’s going to be hand-drawn but digitally. ‘Tradigital’,” he said.

The Cuphead Show! will follow Cuphead and Mugman in comedic adventures across Inkwell Isle. The press release describes it as such: “The character-driven comedy follows the unique misadventures of the impulsive Cuphead and his cautious but easily swayed brother Mugman. Through their many misadventures across their surreal home of the Inkwell Isles, they’ve always got one another’s backs.” We asked the Moldenhauer brothers to elaborate on the style of comedy they’re aiming for, and Chad said, “It’s safe for kids, but written so there are also things that adults find funny and appeals to a wider audience. It’s not a toddler show or a little kids cartoon. It’s safe to say that [the showrunners are] aiming for the same kind of vibe that the game hints at. They’ll be taking that idea and expanding it.”

As for what the plot of the show itself will be, Chad told us, “That is something we don’t quite know just yet. But we do know that we are not going to re-tell the game. This is going to explore other things and not just [Don’t Deal With the Devil].” Jared added, “The game told its story. The cartoon will tell its [own].”

Fonte: IGN

Última edição:


Xbox Gamepass , vê se me dá um tempo....
PXB Gold
Fevereiro 9, 2019
Juiz de fora
E Cuphead vai virar série na Netflix. Ainda está no princípio e sem previsão de lançamento, com uma história diferente do que foi contado no jogo e um humor que tenha apelo tanto para crianças e jovens como também para adultos. O desenho será feito "à mão" mas de maneira digitalizada, e não pelo Studio MDHR porque, segundo eles, "nunca ficaria pronto", mas por um estúdio interno da própria Netflix. No fim do artigo, tem a informação que Cuphead vendeu 4 milhões de cópias também.

Que bela sacada, vai popularizar ainda mais a franquia.


“We are not going to be animating this [ourselves] because it would never be finished,” Cuphead co-creator Chad Moldenhauer told IGN with a laugh during a phone interview. “The current goal is to stay as far away from [computer-assisted] puppeteer animation as possible,” he added. “The idea will still be that every frame is hand-drawn” but probably not on paper. “It’s going to be hand-drawn but digitally. ‘Tradigital’,” he said.

The Cuphead Show! will follow Cuphead and Mugman in comedic adventures across Inkwell Isle. The press release describes it as such: “The character-driven comedy follows the unique misadventures of the impulsive Cuphead and his cautious but easily swayed brother Mugman. Through their many misadventures across their surreal home of the Inkwell Isles, they’ve always got one another’s backs.” We asked the Moldenhauer brothers to elaborate on the style of comedy they’re aiming for, and Chad said, “It’s safe for kids, but written so there are also things that adults find funny and appeals to a wider audience. It’s not a toddler show or a little kids cartoon. It’s safe to say that [the showrunners are] aiming for the same kind of vibe that the game hints at. They’ll be taking that idea and expanding it.”

As for what the plot of the show itself will be, Chad told us, “That is something we don’t quite know just yet. But we do know that we are not going to re-tell the game. This is going to explore other things and not just [Don’t Deal With the Devil].” Jared added, “The game told its story. The cartoon will tell its [own].”

Fonte: IGN

Qndo vi a notícia logo pensei que outro estúdio fosse fazer , os caras parecem já estar atarefados fazendo o dlc e quem sabe o segundo jogo.
Agora eles sabem explorar muito bem a marca , desde bonecos até vestuário.
Sem falar que o jogo tem um potencial incrível , eu pensaria em fazer alguns crossworlds. Imagina um baseado em Dark Souls ou quem sabe nos personagens da Disney kkk


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