XCOM Enemy Unknown (Novos Vídeos)


Maio 31, 2010
Fiquei animado com esse novo vídeo. O jogo parece estar recebendo um belo investimento no departamento visual, algo que inicialmente parecia que ia ser fraco.
E3 2012 Trailer
Interview with Greg Foertsch
[youtube]yjiYTP4Mljk[/youtube]E pra quem não viu, está prevista uma edição especial para PC:
And now the moment so many of you have been waiting for: XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be available in North America on October 9th. (and October 12th internationally)Additionally, those of you who decide to pre-order the game will get guaranteed access to a launch feature that we're calling the Elite Soldier Pack. Now, I could tell you about the aesthetic upgrades you can apply to your armor with this pack, such as the Hyperion and Reaper soldier armor kits. I could also tell you about how you'll get access to a full color customization feature for all of the armor sets in the game. But both of those, in my humble opinion, pale in comparison to my favorite part. You know that dude from the original X-COM with the blonde hair and the cheesy flattop? That's right, you get him. (In the game that is -- he doesn't come to your house.)One more thing: The Special Edition. Available exclusively for PC from participating retailers, this version of the game will be available for $59.99 and will contain several goodies like an art book, fold-out poster of the XCOM headquarters, XCOM insignia patch, and even some digital stuff like the soundtrack, special art, and more.Fonte: http://www.2kgames.com/blog/xcom-enemy-unknown-release-date-special-edition-and-more

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