Watch Dogs 2: Pré-encomendas abaixo do esperado


Setembro 23, 2014
A Ubisoft acredita que Watch Dogs 2 será um sucesso, no entanto admitiu que as pré-encomendas ficaram abaixo daquilo que era esperado pela companhia.

"As pré-encomendas não foram tão altas quanto pensávamos que iriam ser, mas acreditamos que Watch Dogs 2 oferecerá uma experiência fantástica e que poderá fazê-lo extremamente bem," comentou Yves Guillemot, presidente da companhia. Guillemot está ciente de que existe alguma apreensão da parte dos jogadores depois da reacção mista vinda do público e da critica em relação ao primeiro jogo, embora destaque o caso de Far Cry Primal, que começou por ter vendas lentas e que depois acabou por vender-se bem.

Alain Martines, director de vendas e finanças, acredita que a Ubisoft tomou uma posição inteligente em relação a Watch Dogs, indo ao encontro da mesma estratégia usada em The Division, onde apostaram mais em resultados a longo prazo do que em resultados imediatos.

Fonte: Eurogamer

Meu comentário: Ótimo! Eu quero é mais. Que sirva de lição para a Ubisoft e tantas outras que tentam fazer o consumidor de otário. Não estou menosprezando o jogo agora, até pq só dá para julgar após o lançamento, mas os motivos para tal fato são notórios.
Última edição:


Junho 27, 2015
Uma empresa pode perder qualquer coisa, até dinheiro, mas nunca a credibilidade.
A Ubisoft abusou da sorte em 2014-2015, e agora vai pagar o preço, e espero que bem pago.
Por maior que fosse a qualidade do jogo em questão, iria pagar o pato por péssimas atitudes da Ubisoft como publicadora.

Aliás, me desculpe a sinceridade, mas fazer pré-order atualmente, seja de qual jogo for, é o equivalente a jogar dinheiro no escuro.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Até tenho interesse no game, mas estou ressabiado com a Ubi mesmo.
Esperarei sair as reviews e algumas opiniões dos mais corajosos.
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Reações: Edu Barros


Fevereiro 1, 2010
Ótimo! Eu quero é mais. Que sirva de lição para a Ubisoft


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Até tenho interesse no game, mas estou ressabiado com a Ubi mesmo.
Esperarei sair as reviews e algumas opiniões dos mais corajosos.
Mesma coisa aqui.

Eu não entrei no hype rocket do primeiro game... então quando eu peguei ele achei um jogo OK, joguei até o final e curti.

Tenho interesse em pegar o 2, farei isso quando preço estive camarada.
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Reações: DinobotGP


Março 15, 2015
Eu gostei do primeiro e me interesso nesse, mas não tenho pressa.
Acho que depois do que aconteceu com o primeiro eles podiam pelo menos soltar uma demo pra gente avaliar antes de comprar.


Fevereiro 1, 2010
Comprei o primeiro no lançamento, e na boa, não me arrependo de maneira alguma. Joguei até zerar. Pegarei certamente o 2, só não sei se no lançamento porque os jogos estão muito caros ultimamente e meu amigo que divide a conta não curte esse tipo de jogo. Mas quando cair para abaixo dos 100 conto pego ele com certeza.


Julho 9, 2016
Finalmente! Estou jogando o AC Unity aqui e olha, as vezes me arrependo de ter pagado 10 reais nele... Imagino quem comprou essa joça em pré-venda e tentou jogar no lançamento.
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Reações: Aelurio


Novembro 11, 2006
Demorou pra isso acontecer, afinal o pessoal ainda compra o mais do mesmo da Ubisoft com afinco. Uma empresa que se beneficia de propaganda enganosa e adora lançar jogos genéricos anuais copiando e colando várias mecânicas, merece se dar mal mesmo.


Agosto 21, 2009
WD é um jogo q nunca me chamou a atenção em nada..
Passei lindo o WD e só vou jogar se um dia vier, na plus, o mesmo pro WD2.


Abril 28, 2016
Campina Grande
Foi uma bela escrotagem os downgrades e tal do primeiro. Fora isso, depois de um tempo peguei numa promoção e até que me divertiu. Espero que melhorem muita coisa nesse 2. Tem muito potencial. Obviamente jamais faria pre-order. Pegarei em promoção.

Também acho muito bom que não tenha números expressivos de pre-order. Como já falaram aqui isso é jogar dinheiro no escuro, pra quase qualquer jogo. além do mais não é benéfico pra nós jogadores.. pois acaba demorando pra ter promoções e etc..

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Aproveitando o tópico...
Média: 85

Cheat Code Central
The UI is wonderful. You have so much information immediately available to you. Nudle Maps always has a mini-map in the lower left corner, giving you a good look at the area. Bringing up information on people gives you a crisp, clear window. Hacking offers a menu with easily recognizable icons, so you always know what your button presses will do.

Watch Dogs 2 has created an immersive world, disturbingly close to the real one. It’s still a fictitious San Francisco, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell which bits are made up. With rich, in depth missions, colourful characters, and fun open world gameplay, this might just be the best game I’ve played this year.

Hardcore Gamer
Ubisoft has successfully recreated what made Grand Theft Auto great, but incorporates enough original ideas to set Marcus’ journey apart and make it feel fresh.

Game Revolution
Watch Dogs 2 improves on every aspect from the original game, San Francisco is a world I want to spend time in and Marcus is a protagonist I actually enjoyed. It’s charming and imaginative all while not taking itself too seriously. If you’re looking for a sandbox adventure to fill some of the time until Red Dead Redemption 2, then Watch Dogs 2 might fill that craving.

Watch Dogs 2 delivers a great story-driven experience and a cast of characters that are easy to like, but it also solves most of the problems of its predecessor.

Digital Spy
Watch Dogs 2 is the game we wanted to play the first time around. It's bold, beautiful and tells a story filled with people you care about and missions that are well built, exciting and sometimes hilarious. The hacking options are extensive and enable you to have a lot of fun and be creative with the missions, despite the often serious tone of the story itself. The player choice is immense too, fully putting the player in the driving seat. If the driving itself just had more personality, Watch Dogs 2 would be perfect.

They managed to retain that core ambition that they had the first time around, but adjusted quite well to the criticisms levied against their project. What resulted is a game that is the same at heart, but is alive with variety and a hero we could actually stand behind without question. Watch Dogs 2 is what a sequel should be in every sense. A bigger, better, bolder take on what the first entry only treads.

Ubisoft removes that painful thorn from its side with Watch Dogs 2, and they can boast they have a great sandbox franchise. Its not the fact that it creates anything really new, but that it improves every hack possibility, the main difference between Watch Dogs and the rest of sandbox games. What's more, the lighting, the vibrant colors that compose San Francisco, and the sass of this sequel are exactly what it needed. Add a seamless multiplayer that rewards co-op action and you have stumbled upon the best sandbox of the year.

Watch Dogs 2 represents a great quality improvement over its weak predecessor. It features very polished graphics and a great story mode with personality and style.

God is a Geek
The missions are varied and intense, and the characters provide plenty of great moments. If you’re craving a game with a gorgeous, busy and unique open world, this is the game for you.

IBTimes UK
I was expecting Watch Dogs 2 to be more enjoyable than its predecessor, but I didn't expect it to be so well designed and full of heart. Watch Dogs 2 isn't reinventing the open-world game and fans of Ubisoft's special brand of go-places-and-pick-things-up gameplay will feel right at home, but it's one of the best examples the genre has to offer – as long as you don't want to shoot anything.

It’s a vibrant world, more upbeat and less cruel than what we usually see in the genre, and its main characters finally seem like they’re having fun as a goofy group of hackers should. Combined with improved gameplay systems, and you will also be having fun eventually. It took me a few hours to realize that Watch Dogs 2 really had turned a corner, and after a full playthrough, I went from high skeptical to undeniably impressed.

The Jimquisition
Most importantly, Watch Dogs 2 offers a sense of humor running through it that the series badly needed. You don’t need miserable family death stories in a ludicrous game about “smart cities” and cartoony hackers. You need writing that leans into the silliness, that has a laugh at its own expense, which is exactly what this game gets.

Digitally Downloaded
Watch Dogs 2 does a great job of demonstrating the potential perils of a too-connected world and improves upon the first game in multiple ways. This is not a guns over brains game - there is an interesting topic at play here about our society's dependence on technology and Ubisoft deserves credit for exploring this theme. The characters and narrative are leaps and bounds more engaging than the revenge tale the original game tried to paint.

Watch Dogs 2 is the perfect sequel. It takes everything that made the first game unique and original, and expands on all of it. Everything is better, from the hacking, to the story, the setting and the variety of content. Watch Dogs 2 is far from being just more of the same. An apt comparison could be the jump from the first Assassins Creed game to Assassins Creed 2. While the first was a promising yet clunky new idea, the sequel delivered on that idea and turned it into one of the most iconic series of the last decade. With Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft is well on its way to recreating that same magic.

IGN Italia
Watch Dogs 2 is a funny to play and very good looking game. It's not perfect, though, especially when it comes to driving sessions. Overall, we have a very nice new entry in the free roaming genre.

It’s a rare example of a big-budget game looking to make a statement. Even more rare, it succeeds by starting with a central thesis and communicating ideas through player action. That it also manages to be a rip-roaring good time is almost irrelevant. You can patch a framerate, but you can’t patch a story or gameplay, and on those fronts Watch Dogs 2 is nigh unimpeachable.

I expected Watch Dogs 2 to be a paint-by-numbers sequel -- more guns, more cars, a bigger playground. Instead, it gives players freedom to play with the world with hackmagic the way they want to, and crafts a memorable, mostly light-hearted story that's just a lot of fun. Considering the heavy subject matter woven in, that's even more of an accomplishment than it seems like.
Quotation forthcoming.

Watch Dogs 2 is the game that the first one should have been and is a shining example of Ubisoft’s already proven ability to respond well to feedback. It offers true freedom and creativity to play the way you want, laugh out loud moments found in scripted events and self-made fun in a virtual city that needs to be seen to be believed. Starring characters that you’ll genuinely care about the more you get to know them you’ll have no trouble finding motivation to see this one through to the end.

Even if San Francisco is a far better place than Chicago, Watch DOgs 2 still has some flaws like an insipid hero and a very bad driving feel. Still a pretty good open world game for wannabe hackers.

Watch Dogs 2 is everything that Watch Dogs was supposed to be. San Fransisco is the place to be with stunning environments that are hard to not love. On top of that, the story doesn't take itself too seriously and feels a lot better this time.

Watch Dogs 2 has learned from the mistakes that Watch Dogs made. It has an interesting cast of characters, the city is full of colour and the smartphone is used well. It has some flaws however, but those don't take too much away from the experience.

Trusted Reviews
Watch Dogs 2 is no great leap forward, but it sees the series headed in the right direction with more colour, more flair and a real sense of fun. The action’s solid and the mission design much less generic, while Ubisoft Montreal has given you a great set of tools and the freedom to use them as you will. If the original Watch Dogs was a mean-looking hound, all bark, no bite, the sequel’s a more playful pooch that’s all about having a good time – and it’s all the better for it.

PlayStation LifeStyle
While I still think that the best from Watch Dogs is still to come, Watch Dogs 2 is a solid step up from its predecessor. Getting to be a hacker is phenomenal fun, but the game tends to stumble when it becomes a sub-par third-person shooter. If you’re willing to put up with a story that doesn’t always jive with the light-hearted feel of its characters, then you’ll experience one of the most interesting open-world games in years.

I’m genuinely surprised with how much I adore Watch Dogs 2’s world. Its satire works because it is always punching up, never down. As such, Watch Dogs 2 feels like it’s making a statement. Rudyard Kipling once said, “San Francisco has only one drawback – ’tis hard to leave.” While Watch Dogs 2 isn’t as faultless as Kipling’s vision of Northern California, you’ll still want to spend tens of hours wandering this virtual recreation of the famous city and on into the Bay Area beyond.
Quotation forthcoming.

Metro GameCentral
It’s still lacking a certain je ne sais quoi, but this is a definite improvement on the first game and a serious alternative to GTA V.

Post Arcade (National Post)
Getting the most out of Watch Dogs 2 requires a good deal of patience and the resolve to play the way you’re supposed to play – especially when you first start out.

Attack of the Fanboy
The game’s protagonist and accompanying cast of characters are fun to watch, and the hacking mechanics are better than ever. It’s just too bad that the overall story is forgettable, as it never really sucks you in despite its best efforts. Even so, those looking for an open-world experience mixed with fantastic hacking mechanics likely won’t be disappointed with what Watch Dogs 2 has to offer.

Eurogamer Italy
Watch Dogs 2 is better than the previous episode gameplay-wise, but the new characters and the story show one step behind Ubisoft’s standards. It's a fun game, though, so if you love open world titles with a lot of activities, you’ll enjoy this big and entertaining experience.



Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Boas notas, parece que a Ubi conseguiu acertar a mão. Como achei o primeiro legal, vendo esses reviews tenho certeza de que também vou curtir o 2.


Agosto 26, 2007
em algum momento eu vou acabar comprando.

O problema de WD foi o Hype pelo primeiro por causa do video de anuncio.No fim das contas, o jogo veio abaixo do esperado tecnicamente e com muita cara de AC.

Mas não é uma franquia para se desprezar. Se a Ubi fizer co WD2 o que fez com AC2, será algo signifivativo


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
em algum momento eu vou acabar comprando.

O problema de WD foi o Hype pelo primeiro por causa do video de anuncio.No fim das contas, o jogo veio abaixo do esperado tecnicamente e com muita cara de AC.

Mas não é uma franquia para se desprezar. Se a Ubi fizer co WD2 o que fez com AC2, será algo signifivativo

Importante que eles se descolaram da mecânica do Assassins Creed.
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Reações: heisenberg_87

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