Sony recusa cross play de Minecraft


Fevereiro 18, 2008

Aquela sony Raiz, sony arrogante tá de volta

Minecraft works cross-platform between Switch, Xbox and PC. Today, Rocket League was announced as working cross-platform between Switch, Xbox and PC. Both don't work cross-platform with PlayStation. Now, is this Sony not playing ball? What is actually going on here?

Jim Ryan: It's certainly not a profound philosophical stance we have against this. We've done it in the past. We're always open to conversations with any developer or publisher who wants to talk about it. Unfortunately it's a commercial discussion between ourselves and other stakeholders, and I'm not going to get into the detail of that on this particular instance. And I can see your eyes rolling.

Well, you must see that PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with Switch owners, PC owners and Xbox One owners for these two big and important games, and they don't have an explanation why. That's what I'm getting at, really.

Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.

It doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, perhaps the most mindful video game company of the protection of children.

Jim Ryan: Yeah, that's true. Everybody has to take their own decisions. We'll do that. Like I say, we have no philosophical stance against cross-play at all.

Is this a done deal? Or are you leaving the door open, perhaps?

Jim Ryan: I don't think anything is ever a done deal. Anybody who is dogmatic in that manner is typically a fool. That said, to my knowledge, there is no live conversation ongoing at the moment.

So there you have it. If you're playing Minecraft or Rocket League or any other game on PS4, don't expect to play with Nintendo Switch or Xbox One owners.


Novembro 11, 2006

Aquela sony Raiz, sony arrogante tá de volta

Minecraft works cross-platform between Switch, Xbox and PC. Today, Rocket League was announced as working cross-platform between Switch, Xbox and PC. Both don't work cross-platform with PlayStation. Now, is this Sony not playing ball? What is actually going on here?

Jim Ryan: It's certainly not a profound philosophical stance we have against this. We've done it in the past. We're always open to conversations with any developer or publisher who wants to talk about it. Unfortunately it's a commercial discussion between ourselves and other stakeholders, and I'm not going to get into the detail of that on this particular instance. And I can see your eyes rolling.

Well, you must see that PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with Switch owners, PC owners and Xbox One owners for these two big and important games, and they don't have an explanation why. That's what I'm getting at, really.

Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.

It doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, perhaps the most mindful video game company of the protection of children.

Jim Ryan: Yeah, that's true. Everybody has to take their own decisions. We'll do that. Like I say, we have no philosophical stance against cross-play at all.

Is this a done deal? Or are you leaving the door open, perhaps?

Jim Ryan: I don't think anything is ever a done deal. Anybody who is dogmatic in that manner is typically a fool. That said, to my knowledge, there is no live conversation ongoing at the moment.

So there you have it. If you're playing Minecraft or Rocket League or any other game on PS4, don't expect to play with Nintendo Switch or Xbox One owners.

A decisão é tão tosca que o cara nem tem como explicar. Risível.


Junho 7, 2011
Nossa, ainda bem que a Playstation Network consegue blindar as crianças contra qualquer usuário que aja fora de conduta.
Última edição:


Fevereiro 1, 2010


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Mas que desculpa esfarrapada essa da Sony hein!?

Até Nintendo aceitou... cara, a Nintendo, que geralmente não se mistura com ninguém... ai vem a Sony e fica fazendo cú doce.

Como já falaram por aqui, mesmo não gostando do jogo, seria MUITO legal ver todas as plataformas jogando juntas. Quem nunca alguma vez não pensou na possibilidade disso um dia acontecer? Pois bem, esse "dia" está chegando já à um tempo e sabemos quem não quer cooperar com a ideia.
  • Curtir
Reações: brenicio

jackzsul EX

Março 10, 2014
Se ela desse a desculpa de proteger seus usuários contra vazamentos de informações financeiras, tudo bem. Sabemos que não há proteção na PSN, Mas colocar a culpa nas criancinhas é demais!

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