Review Sniper Elite 4


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Começou a sair as notas para o jogo Sniper Elite 4.

Para o Xbox One temos apenas 9 críticas (Metacritic 81), enquanto para a versão do PS4 temos 24 críticas (Metacritic 81).



  1. IGN
    Feb 13, 2017
    A lot of games tout the ability to “play how you want to play,” but Sniper Elite 4’s missions and mechanics actually are robust enough to back up that claim. Picking apart the Nazi war machine piece by piece, using whatever plan comes to mind, is a blast. The way it encourages you to stay mindful, experiment, and get better is a refreshing vote of confidence, even if it doesn’t always reward the extra effort you’re putting in.

  2. GameSpew
    Feb 13, 2017
    Standing head and shoulders above its predecessors, Sniper Elite 4 is Rebellion assuredly stepping up their game. Sure, the story at the heart of the campaign is still a bit duff, but who plays games like this for the narrative? I certainly don’t. What’s important is that all of Sniper Elite 4’s gameplay tweaks and improvements come together to create a package that feels solid and succinct, offering an experience that is enjoyably tense and rewarding. What’s more, it’s always thrilling lining up that perfect shot before witnessing its gruesome effects on your victim via the x-ray kill-cam. Perfection eludes it due to the small amount of screen-tearing and somewhat repetitive sub-objectives, but Sniper Elite 4 is essential for the armchair sniper out there looking for their next sure-fire hit.
  3. ICXM
    Feb 13, 2017
    A remarkable achievement for Rebellion. It’s an expansive and detailed experience which pushes the stealth genre forward. The gameplay is exhilarating and in order to properly complete the game, you can easily spend around forty hours on it. The sheer number of collectibles and the stories they tell is incredible. The multiplayer mode is stellar and much more frantic than the campaign. In my opinion, Sniper Elite 4 is best played with a friend in co-op. That’s when the title truly shines.
  4. Xbox Achievements
    Feb 13, 2017
    A bigger and better game than its forebear, Sniper Elite 4 is ludicrously good fun, proving beyond doubt that there's infinite appeal in blasting Nazis' bits off. Scope it out.
  5. Twinfinite
    Feb 13, 2017
    While Sniper Elite 4 may not be the most innovative of games, it wholeheartedly embraces all of the unique quirks the series has come to be known for. It respects its audience enough to know just what they want, and delivers exactly that: pure unadulterated carnage.
  6. Stevivor
    Feb 13, 2017
    If you haven’t experienced the open world, stealth extravaganza that is Sniper Elite, this is the time to jump in. For those returning to the franchise, buckle up — and play about two difficulties higher than you were planning. You’ll thank me later.
  7. GameSpot
    Feb 13, 2017
    Its stealth and action mechanics may be simplistic, but they're functional and regularly enjoyable. And the maps--with their impressive scale, open-ended objectives, and clever level design--coalesce these disparate systems into a creative and fulfilling whole. There are still some issues with AI inconsistency, a bland story, and some dull competitive multiplayer, but it finally feels like this series is living up to its long-standing potential.
  8. Game Informer
    Feb 13, 2017
    Sniper Elite 4 is a well-rounded experience that delivers on multiple fronts. The campaign is flexible and full of satisfying objectives, and I enjoyed jumping into missions with a friend. The unique collection of competitive multiplayer modes rounds out Sniper Elite 4, giving shooting fans a game that’s worth a look despite its flaws.
  9. IGN Spain
    Feb 13, 2017
    Sniper Elite 4 is an overly conservative game that does not introduce important new features but it's still fun as hell.
  10. Generación Xbox
    Feb 13, 2017
    Sniper Elite 4 continues the style that has worked very well for Rebellion Developments on the previous releases in the series, but providing new elements that improve the gameplay. Unfortunately, it is not too innovative and some technical aspects of the game such as physics and the Artificial Intelligence should be more polished.

Trailer Gameplay


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Tava curioso, boas notas, mas acho que deve cair.
Melhor jogo da série, por enquanto.

Então, ontem estava vendo esse Preview que o Zangado postou do jogo, numa bela promoção vou adquirir o jogo.

Um outro jogo que também começa com Sniper , Sniper 3 Ghost Warrior, acho que numa bela promoção também está valendo. (Abril)

Última edição:


Julho 8, 2014
Nunca joguei essa franquia, mas tenho interesse. Claro que pretendo pegar o 3 primeiro em uma promoção.


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Também curti o 3, comprei numa promoção na live por R$ 35,00 se não me engano.

As notas estão bacanas, então parece que não vem uma bomba por ai.

Esse jogo e Sniper 3: Ghost Warrior por menos de 50 conto são uma ótima pedida rs.

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