[Reviews] Street Fighter V


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

O jogo será lançado amanhã, então começaram a aparecer os primeiros reviews.
Vi dois, de sites que acompanho e curto o trabalho - um deles brasileiro, inclusive -, então compartilho aqui com vocês.

@Victal postou mais reviews aqui de sites maiores, valeu.

GamesRadar+ - 90
Street Fighter 5 is deep, endlessly fun, and immensely inviting, but local competitive play is currently the primary way to enjoy it.

TheSixthAxis - 90
Even as a person whose grasp of fighting games is nowhere near top-tier standard, Street Fighter V is the most fun I’ve had in a fighting game in years.

Push Square - 90
Street Fighter V's gameplay sits with the best that gaming has to offer. The characters are truly distinct, the presentation first rate, and the netcode is utterly sublime. A lack of single player modes at launch dulls the sheen somewhat, and is the only element preventing the title from achieving true greatness. However, with the engrossing Capcom Fighters Network, the game's set up as a fantastic online playground in which to research techniques, stalk idols, view friends' failures, or simply sit back and watch – all the while waiting for your next challenger in this deep, enthralling fighter.

God is a Geek - 90
It’s hard to find fault with the bigger picture Capcom has in mind here and, assuming the online issues are dealt with quickly at launch and the rest of the game modes arrive as promised, this is looking like a perfect round.

EGM - 80
Street Fighter V paves the way for the future of Capcom’s legendary fighting game series—but it’s also a release that’s relying on near-future updates in order to feel like a finished product. Once they come, however, this should really be something special.

Destructoid - 80
Most people will be spending their time in the online component, though, and here's the good news: it works, and when more players start to really use it, it's going to be great.

IGN - 80
It sports a wonderful, diverse cast of characters, places a clear emphasis on strong fundamental play, it gives competitive players a great online experience, and it does it all while looking gorgeous. Strictly in terms of mechanics and competitive features, Street Fighter 5 is just about peerless, but it has quite a ways to go before it stacks up against other fighting games - including its own predecessor - in terms of overall content.

ThisGenGaming - 7/10
Now lets get this out there right away, Street Fighter V is a good game. Street Fighter V however doesn’t live up to its potential because it’s just so lacking and bare bones at launch. I’ve never reviewed a video game that has this much “coming soon” content that isn’t DLC. I feel if the developers could not have everything they wanted in the game ready for release, then it should have been delayed until the summer. If you can wait it out then I suggest waiting until later this year to pick up the game when everything has released because it’s still a very good fighting game that’s worth the purchase but just at a later date.

+Incredible art style and visuals
+Fun gameplay
– Too much content “coming soon”, not enough to justify full price at launch
– Character stories is a great idea on paper, but is poorly implemented in the game

We Got This Covered - 50
Street Fighter V is easily the fighting title I’ve had the most fun playing in my 20 years of gaming. That’s also why the overall package is such a disappointment. Instead of getting a feature complete, content filled package, we’re instead left with a bare bones offering that doesn’t even have the basics of the genre. The gameplay is phenomenal, with the enhancements being a natural progression of the series, but you have so few ways to experience it.

No geral Street Fighter V parece um pouco apressado pra chegar a tempo dos grandes torneios da Capcom Pro Tour mas já existe uma quantidade grande de coisas prometidas para os próximos meses, como você bem pôde notar. O jogo sai pelo preço recomendado de R$279,00 pra Playstation 4 e R$99,00 pra PC (Master Race finalmente levando alguma vantagem em lançamento multiplataforma!). Muitas das coisas negativas citadas aqui logo deixarão de existir, cabe a você decidir se vai esperar por elas ou se vai mergulhar de cabeça logo de cara. De qualquer forma, ir ao encontro do mais forte continua divertido pra cacete.

Mais críticas no Metacritic.

Metascore atual: 78
Última edição:
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Reações: GameStrike

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Metacritic 81



If you are a Street Fighter fan, and are looking forward to seriously competing in this console generation’s great fighting game franchise, then your time has arrived.



Even as a person whose grasp of fighting games is nowhere near top-tier standard, Street Fighter V is the most fun I’ve had in a fighting game in years.


Push Square

Street Fighter V's gameplay sits with the best that gaming has to offer. The characters are truly distinct, the presentation first rate, and the netcode is utterly sublime. A lack of single player modes at launch dulls the sheen somewhat, and is the only element preventing the title from achieving true greatness. However, with the engrossing Capcom Fighters Network, the game's set up as a fantastic online playground in which to research techniques, stalk idols, view friends' failures, or simply sit back and watch – all the while waiting for your next challenger in this deep, enthralling fighter.



Capcom redefines the fighting game genre once again with Street Fighter V. The game looks awesome and the characters are great. The battles are dynamic and far more balanced than before. Despite minor flaws, this is a must buy.



It sports a wonderful, diverse cast of characters, places a clear emphasis on strong fundamental play, it gives competitive players a great online experience, and it does it all while looking gorgeous. Strictly in terms of mechanics and competitive features, Street Fighter 5 is just about peerless, but it has quite a ways to go before it stacks up against other fighting games - including its own predecessor - in terms of overall content.


We Got This Covered

Street Fighter V is easily the fighting title I’ve had the most fun playing in my 20 years of gaming. That’s also why the overall package is such a disappointment. Instead of getting a feature complete, content filled package, we’re instead left with a bare bones offering that doesn’t even have the basics of the genre. The gameplay is phenomenal, with the enhancements being a natural progression of the series, but you have so few ways to experience it.
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Reações: ronabs


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Começou mal hein? Tá parecendo jogo pra ficar abaixo de 8 no meta. Vamos ver.

Meio que o jogo saiu bem incompleto, tem muita features interessante vindo no update de março.

O jogo foi rushado pq campeonatos começaram agora em fevereiro.

Tanto que o que você mais vai ler nas reviews é
  • Missing features
  • Curtir
Reações: Edu Barros


Agosto 26, 2007
Se a versão 2016.1 , leia-se (SFV) já tá saindo incompleta, vou esperar mesmo a versão 2016.2 (SSFV) sair antes de decidir pela compra.


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Se a versão 2016.1 , leia-se (SFV) já tá saindo incompleta, vou esperar mesmo a versão 2016.2 (SSFV) sair antes de decidir pela compra.

Espera update de março que vai vim lobbys, daily challeges e etc.

Até lá jogo já deu quedinha de preço.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Espera update de março que vai vim lobbys, daily challeges e etc.

Até lá jogo já deu quedinha de preço.
Brother, e sua compra da Saraiva. que pé que anda aí?

A minha foi confirmada, mas tá parado desde que isso aconteceu. Não foi cancelada, não foi alterada, ninguém me mandou e-mail nem me comunicou por via nenhuma. E por aí?


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Brother, e sua compra da Saraiva. que pé que anda aí?

A minha foi confirmada, mas tá parado desde que isso aconteceu. Não foi cancelada, não foi alterada, ninguém me mandou e-mail nem me comunicou por via nenhuma. E por aí?


As cópias físicas no Brasil só chegam na quinta.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Achei boas as notas, mas vou esperar o modo história, ainda mais porque não consegui pegar o bug da saraiva.


Novembro 11, 2006
Parece que é a nova moda agora. Produtoras desesperadas por dinheiro rápido lançam jogos incompletos a preço cheio, com a desculpa de que trarão updates futuros com mais conteúdo.

Está cada vez mais difícil manter esse hobby.
Fevereiro 2, 2013
Para um jogo de luta as notas estão ótimas. Principalmente neste caso que o jogo foi rushado para os campeonatos e esta é a maior crítica. As notas de ultra street Fighter IV já tinham caído assim como Mortal kombat X (meracritics 83 ambos) que são os melhores do mercado. Não tenho dúvidas que o jogo está fantástico e vai ficar ainda melhor.

O problema é que com o preço Brasil e Uncharted e Dark souls que são duas das franquia que mais gosto, não sei se vou conseguir pegar no lançamento. Mas vontade não falta.


Fevereiro 18, 2008
preciso de um game de luta para meu PS4, esse vai ser o primeiro...apesar de eu ter o Injustice no PS4, não considero como um jogo de PS4 hehe

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