Tópico Oficial Novo update chegando pra quem é Preview [23/01]


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Mas ninguém usa e ninguém vai usar.

Nem google conseguiu matar Twitch.

É, a tendência é que fique um sistema "restrito" ao ecossistema Xbox.
Vai ter visibilidade na dash, etc., mas quem olha em outros meios não vai entrar.
Pro Beam foi bom negócio, vão ganhar uma visibilidade que dificilmente conseguiriam sozinhos.

Eu não sou expectador frequente de streamings, mas tenho a impressão que o Twitch atende a necessidade da galera. Pro Beam ganhar relevância ele teria que apresentar uma vantagem técnica muito significativa, a ponto das pessoas que experimentassem fizessem um boca a boca elogiando. Não é impossível, mas como eu disse, primeiro o Twitch tem que falhar.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Update começa a ser liberado hoje, em ondas, como de costume.


Imagens do update


Today, we’re beginning to ship the first wave of Xbox One features for the Creators Update to the Xbox Insider Program members. As Mike Ybarra shared last week, the Creators Update is packed full of new features for gamers who play on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs – in fact, we’re targeting hundreds of improvements across the board, noticeable by gamers and under the hood. Today’s update will start rolling out to a small subset of gamers, with the rest of the Xbox Insider Program receiving these features in the coming weeks.

For gamers, the Creators Update is about performance, people, competition and streaming – getting you to the things you care about most as quickly as possible. Today, that will mean a faster Xbox One experience than ever before, connecting you with the applications, games, and of course, friends, that you enjoy most. Check out the updated Home and learn how the newly-designed Guide works and is meant to simplify your experience. There’s lots more, too. As part of our commitment to enhancing gaming for everyone, we’re opening up new accessibility options to ensure great experiences for all gamers when playing on Xbox.

Here’s a look at the new features reaching Xbox Insiders today:
  • An updated look at Home: One of the first things you’ll notice is a new look for Home. Through the Insider program, we’ve received feedback from Xbox One gamers that the UI can be complex and for certain tasks, can require too many button presses. Our goal is to simplify the UI and increase overall system performance, and that starts with updating Home based on what you care most about for the games you play. To do that, we’ve optimized for speed and are surfacing to you the most valuable content for your games. You’ll notice the main tile for what you’re currently playing has changed. Now, you’ll see a smaller icon for the game and a few options to dive deeper into the Game Hub, interact with your Club or LFG for that game, view your Achievements, and more. The updated Home also celebrates the game you’re currently playing with hero art in the background when you’re not using a custom background.
  • Faster and more intuitive Guide: The next thing you’re likely to notice is that Guide has been updated. With one press of the Xbox button on your controller, you can pull up the newly enhanced Guide as an overlay on the left side of your screen, no matter what you’re doing. With the Guide, we’ve added new features and functionality. You’ll notice that there’s a new start page. This page is designed to get you to the content you care about most, including your games and apps, Home, Store, your recently played games and apps, and your top Pins. It also features quick access to your media controls when playing background music.
  • New way to multitask: In addition to adding a new start page to Guide, we’re also evolving our multitasking system. To simplify discoverability and to make it much quicker to get to the things you care about most, our multitasking features will also be designed to work well with the new Guide. In addition to quick access to music, screen shots and GameDVR will be one button press away. You can bring up Guide and press “X” or “Y” on your controller to record your favorite gaming moments. We’ve also added a new achievement tracker which allows you to track your favorite achievements and play at the same time. The new Guide is also where you will be able to broadcast instantly to Beam when we roll that out to Insiders in the next couple of weeks.
  • Cortana gaming enhancements: There are a series of new Cortana updates to make your Xbox One smarter. In this update, you can set reminders and alarms so you don’t miss gaming sessions. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing more Cortana updates to enhance your gaming experience even more as well as continued performance and reliability updates.
  • Improving system updates: Our goal with system updates is that you never have to worry about them again, and to make it clearer when a system update is available. To enable this we are updating the interface so the steps are easy to understand. We’re also going to enable every Xbox One owner to keep their console, games, and apps up to date independent of which power mode they have chosen.
  • Enabling Xbox One to be accessible for everyone: One important area for us with this release is to enable Xbox One to be able to be used and played by everyone. Take for instance our new Copilot feature which allows two controllers to act as if they were one. This will help make Xbox One more inviting to new gamers needing assistance, more fun by adding cooperative controls for any game, and easier for players who need unique configurations to play — whether that is with hands apart, hand and chin, hand and foot, etc.. We are also adding new enhancements to Magnifier and Narrator, as well as giving more options over audio output and custom rumble settings on a controller, which was previously reserved for the Xbox Elite Controller. You can find these accessibility options, and more, in Settings > Ease of Access.
  • New spatial audio output settings for developers: To enable more immersive experiences for Xbox One, we have added a number of audio output features in Settings. If you are a developer on Xbox One, the new settings will allow you to add Dolby Atmos for Home Theater, Dolby Atmos for Headphones, and Windows HRTF support to your streaming media application or game. For Xbox One owners, hang tight and soon you’ll be able experience even more incredible audio on your console.
  • Blu-ray player bitstream passthrough beta: The Blu-ray disc player on Xbox One now supports a beta of bitstream passthrough, which allows your receiver to decode audio natively. All bitstream formats are supported, including newer ones like Dolby Atmos.

Fonte > https://majornelson.com/2017/01/23/...-features-ship-to-select-xbox-insiders-today/

John Doe

Novembro 26, 2006
Santa Cruz do Sul
Fico imaginando um campeonato de algum jogo, organizado no Arena, exclusivo para membros do Clube PXB e com todos os jogos transmitidos ao vivo para membros do Clube PXB pelo Beam. Galera podendo votar por quem esta torcendo, etc. Sei lá, esse tipo de integração que imagino para tudo isso que a MS está adicionando a plataforma. E não necessariamente abrir concorrência para o Twitch e Youtube.


Janeiro 23, 2015
Rio de janeiro
Fico imaginando um campeonato de algum jogo, organizado no Arena, exclusivo para membros do Clube PXB e com todos os jogos transmitidos ao vivo para membros do Clube PXB pelo Beam. Galera podendo votar por quem esta torcendo, etc. Sei lá, esse tipo de integração que imagino para tudo isso que a MS está adicionando a plataforma. E não necessariamente abrir concorrência para o Twitch e Youtube.
Sera ótimo, o clube do jeito que está não oferece nenhuma objetividade.
Seria legal uma junção entre as 3 features ou então clube e Arena sendo anexos de beam.

Enviado do meu SM-J500M usando o app mobile do PXB!


Lobo Solitário
Maio 5, 2013
Esse overlay para as conquistas parece massa. Queria um desses para o app de TV (estilo pip).


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
A loja tá mais rápida. Não tá perfeita, ainda engasga, principalmente na parte de busca. Mas pra carregar, é bem rápido. Tomara que arrumem o restante.

Menu lateral com um clique no botão Xbox é legal, mas vai um tempo pra se acostumar. Bom é que é mais fácil fazer captura/vídeo, não precisa tocar duas vezes e talvez errar e ir pro menu.

Transição de voltar de algum app/aba para o menu inicial tá bem suave. Já do jogo rodando pro menu inicial, é de solavanco, parece quando muda o input da TV.

As conquistas agora tem um tracker, da pra colocar na tela e medir quanto falta. Bom para aquelas de colecionáveis.

Não achei a opção de deixar o background de acordo com o jogo rodando.

Caracteres errados, como todo preview update.

Botaram umas paradas do YouTube, tipo "trending" na tela inicial, abaixo do app/jogo aberto. Tomara que dê pra mudar e tirar, agora tem escrito do jogo do Vasco, o cachorro lá do filme que foi jogado na água e BBB. É uma recomendação mas que fica no menu principal. Achei estranho.

No geral, boa atualização, tá mais rápido mesmo. Negócio é fazer a sintonia fina, e se acostumar a ver menos o menu principal do console.

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