Conexão PXB Ásia


Zima Blue
PXB Gold
Dezembro 10, 2023
Vazamentos da Sega, aos interessados:

- The new Jet Set Radio game is not a remake. The game is a reboot that will be released in 2026. A remaster version of Jet Set Radio was also planned. It is typo. It was originally going to have a release in 2027, but the game has changed since it started development. There is an initiative to reboot many Sega games in new ways.

- There was a JSR remake and reboot planned. The reboot was revealed at TGA event. The JSR Reboot will also have new characters. It is a new story with new and old characters.

- The titles at TGA event are coming to next Nintendo hardware.

- Crazy Taxi also had a remake and reboot initiative. And Crazy Taxi is planned for 2027 release right now. The game revealed at TGA event is a Crazy Taxi reboot with online elements. It is not a remake. The new Crazy Taxi will be released in 2027.

- A Virtua Fighter reboot is in development.

- There is an initiative at Sega to Remaster, Remake and Reboot titles and it will apply at Atlus too but not in the same way as with Crazy Taxi, JSR and the classic lineup. There will be more Atlus remakes and remasters in the future. There was an initiative at Sega to remake and reboot classic Sega titles for multiple platforms. The titles at TGA event were reboot titles, and not all might release at the same time.

- P2 Remaster e P4 Remake exist in Atlus. And P1 too. Not all will be like Reload style. And an Atlus PS2 game will get a remaster version.

- Potential P4 remake is "years away," hasn't entered production yet. P2 remaster is a smaller undertaking, releasing "either before Persona 6 or the year after." Coming to all platforms including Switch 2 and 'next-gen Xbox

- 'P2 Redemption' will include both parts as well as new translation and QOL changes.

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Reações: Wraps_F1 e Tauguro


Zima Blue
PXB Gold
Dezembro 10, 2023

Yes. It is modeled after AAA live service games such as Fortnite. There are plans for live events, collaborations and customizations.

The current plan is to create a live service GaaS reboot as well as a remake of original Crazy Taxi.

There is a survival mode with up to 100 players racing in the GaaS reboot planned.

Fortnite and GTA Online are some of the main inspiration for the current Sega super game plan. Sega wants to be competitive in the live service scene and use classic IPs in new ways with new technologies.

Both Crazy Taxi and Jet Set are live service games that are also having remakes before reboots release. Jet Set is closer in gameplay to Fortnite than Crazy Taxi and there are shooting elements planned.

Jet Set reboot has graffiti and shooting gameplay and open world concept with exploration as focus. There are new characters and story too.


Xbox Gamepass , vê se me dá um tempo....
PXB Gold
Fevereiro 9, 2019
Juiz de fora

Como se dizia antigamente na minha rua, "Olha o gás" kkk
É não têm jeito, a onda agora é esta e quem não se adequar vai acabar morrendo na praia.

Na real eu não ligo, basta o jogo ser bom e não abusar demais do consumidor.
O jogo precisa primeiro entregar um bom conteúdo já de cara, e funcionar redondinho.
Conteúdos novos ao longo do tempo é bom, foda é querer vender algo pela metade e depois querer cobrar pelo restante como se fosse um bônus.
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Reações: Asprobocop


Um Nahobino...
PXB Gold
Abril 5, 2018
Demo de Unicorn Overlord (Atlus/Sega) já tá liberada pra Xbox (4,74 GB)


Xbox Gamepass , vê se me dá um tempo....
PXB Gold
Fevereiro 9, 2019
Juiz de fora
Unicorn Overlord já vendeu mais de 500 mil unidades.
Em comparação, outros jogos da Vanillaware demoraram meses pra alcançar esses números.

Testar no Switch do amor, se for bom talvez eu pegue no Xis. Em um dia os caras traduziram o jogo todo, kkk.
Mas para a empresa milionária deve ser mais difícil.

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