Bate-papo PXB - fiz um tópico sobre ReCore e olha no que deu!!!

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Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Começou como um tópico de ReCore, mas virou um bate-papo gigante.



ReCore será lançado em alguns dias, já tem tópico de hype que virou expectativa e agora começa a ser de considerações de quem já está jogando. Este aqui é mais pra concentrar os review mesmo, pra tirar aquela última dúvida de quem tá interessado antes de bater o martelo.

SÓ QUE tem um pequeno embargo, que termina às 9h de hoje.

Porém, nem todos os reviews serão soltos imediatamente.
As cópias de imprensa/review foram enviadas mais tarde, então, é possível que a maioria seja divulgada entre hoje e amanhã.

E abriu a porteira.

ICXM - 9/10
Despite its technical shortcomings, ReCore’s story, combat and upgrade systems make it a thrilling and enjoyable experience. You won’t want to put the controller down once you start playing and will be a core-grabbing expert by the end.

God is a Geek - 8/10
A slick, compelling adventure only let down by a glut of technical issues that really should have been polished out.

Gaming Bolt - 8/10
If it wasn't for the extreme bugs and flaws that shroud ReCore this would be one of the best games I've played so far this generation. The good outweighs the bad. I hope for its success because this new IP deserves to be an ongoing franchise for everything new it brought to the table.

Windows Central - 8/10
ReCore leans on some beloved gameplay conventions while injecting injected some of its own, gloriously unique and fulfilling elements. The RPG layer provides boatloads of additional gameplay and the setting, story and characters are just something I want to see more of.

WCCFtech - 8/10
With Metroid fans only getting Federation Force this year, it was up to other studios to give fans their fix, and Armature Studio & Comcept did deliver with ReCore. With a well written (albeit not exactly original) story and a nicely crafted gameplay experience featuring plenty of content, ReCore is the game to get for those looking for an involving action adventure title. Sadly, the experience is a bit lessened by the generally low challenge level, which makes Corebots mechanics almost superfluous, slightly repetitive combat, disappointing boss battles and a variety of technical issues. ReCore is not Super Metroid at all, that's for sure, but it's definitely a very good starting point for a franchise that might even become big with the right tweaks.

Xbox Achievements - 7.5/10
A smart action game with bags of personality and a few unique twists of its own, ReCore is most definitely worth investing in. It's big, sometimes difficult, fairly engrossing, and fun while it lasts.

GamingTrend - 7.5/10
ReCore is the framework of an incredible game with some truly unforgivable technical issues, which greatly deter from the overall experience. You’ll enjoy the challenging platforming, and awesome robotic action…in between aggravatingly long loading screens, and deaths via falling through solid surfaces.

The Jimquisition - 7/10
In spite of everything dragging it down, it’s a fun ride packed with stuff to do, from optional areas to replayable dungeons to passive “hunting” quests that reward players for taking out certain enemies using certain attacks. New Eden isn’t as big as No Man’s Sky‘s universe or even Far Cry 4‘s mountainous terrain, but it’s got far more compelling reasons to stick around.

Polygon - 6.5/10
A boring collect-a-thon and empty open world drag down Recore's strong fundamentals

Gamespot - 6/10
ReCore's solid mechanics are sullied by frustrating quest design.

Attack of the Fanboy - 6/10
ReCore had a ton of potential and sadly squandered a good portion of it. The game still has moments of glory, and pulls inspiration from a lot of great games of the past. It even has a very old school feel to it, with 3D platforming and combat that feels very classic, if unfortunately not delivering top of the line quality. Still, the first few hours are worth trying out, and perhaps the flaws won't be as glaring for all players. The game has a good foundation, and maybe some patches will get it close, but it'd take a complete rework to truly live up to the expectations that were set long ago.

DualShockers - 6/10
ReCore is a title that, ultimately, rises and falls in crafting an experience that we don’t normally see too often on Xbox (and frankly, in this generation of gaming). Harkening back to platformers like Jak and Daxter with a little bit of the flavor from Metroid titles, ReCore‘s strong aesthetic and style give way to some technical flaws and repetitive design. Much like the design of Joule’s band of Corebots, the exterior of ReCore and its gameplay show signs of age and may not be the most appealing from a first glance, but inside there’s still a core of unique qualities to make it stand out as one of Microsoft’s most interesting (though flawed) exclusives.

US Gamer - 6/10
ReCore is a style of game we haven't seen in a while. Part Mega Man Legends, part Metroid Prime, ReCore puts exploration and platforming at the forefront. With your trusty corebot pals, you'll double jump and dash through an open world and some damned fiendish dungeons. While ReCore trips up a bit with some odd combat and gating mechanics, it's still worth your time if you remember how platforming was in the old days.

Hardcore Gamer - 6/10
Without the progress gating and fewer technical issues, we’d be left with a shorter, more intense action-platformer featuring a solid movement system. There’s something slightly enjoyable about ReCore‘s color-switching combat mechanic, despite it taking place in such a lock-on heavy shooting system and the friendship between Joule and her robot pals Mack, Seth and Duncan can be charming. While not lackluster enough to be considered a bad game, there are enough stumbles and hiccups here to prevent this effort from Armature and Comcept from living up to its potential.

PC World - 5/10
ReCore features adorable robot companions and snappy platforming, but a chore of an end-game, bugs, and terrible load times make it a hard sell.

Destructoid - 4/10
It's all a shame because ReCore shows so much promise in its opening hours. It's easy to envision a way in which all those ideas could manifest into something great. They don't, though. Instead, it's just a jumble of mechanics that never jell, gameplay that grows stale far too quick, and insulting design. System failure.

We Got This Covered - 4/10
Some of ReCore's ideas show promise, but its repetitive combat and cumbersome platforming will prove too much for most players.

GamesRadar+ - 4/10
Littered with bugs, excruciating load times, and a severely padded ending, ReCore is a great example of good ideas, flawed execution.

TechRaptor - 3/10
There's a good game buried somewhere in ReCore, but it's lost somewhere in the massive inconveniences they throw at you. From constantly refusing to let the player move on until they complete side content (even in the middle of dungeons) to loading times that put Sonic 2006 to shame. This ensures that ReCore starts off interestingly and ends up horrid.
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Reações: freedowsRoO


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
A IGN disse que recebeu o jogo só na sexta, e por isso não haveria review deles hoje.


Julho 26, 2015
Sep 12, 2016It's all a shame because ReCore shows so much promise in its opening hours. It's easy to envision a way in which all those ideas could manifest into something great. They don't, though. Instead, it's just a jumble of mechanics that never jell, gameplay that grows stale far too quick, and insulting design. System failure.

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