Review AGONY- Agonia é a média no METACRITIC

Paulo Taucci

Junho 27, 2015
Eu adoro jogos de terror, Resident Evil, Alan Wake, Silent Hill, The Evil Within, Outlast e etc. Estava esperando esse Agony a mais de um ano, super empolgado, mas depois que vi as avaliações desanimei um pouco. Compensa esperar um pouco pra ver se corrigem os bugs e lançam novos conteúdos para deixar a história mais envolvente.

Thi Zeek

PXB Gold
Janeiro 21, 2018
Agony dá uma agonia ver as notas recebidas.


Para PC saiu 18 críticas, algumas abaixo:

Eurogamer 70
Agony is a good horror/stealth game, for sure the best representation of Hell ever seen in a game. Although if the visual impact is amazing, many of the mechanics don't work as they should, making the game at times too frustrating or difficult to explore.

CGMagazine 65
Agony is a game I really wanted to love and visually, the game looks rather impressive, even some of the early gameplay moments feel well crafted and fresh, yet, as a whole, Agony just doesn’t hold up against other games of the genre — at best, Agony feels like a lovechild between Red Barrel’s Outlast series and id Software’s 2016 Doom reboot, and at its worst, Agony feels like a game that probably needed a few more months in the crucible before inviting us all to join it down in Hell.

Hooked Gamers 65
At the end of the day, though, Agony exists with too much dissonance to be a completely enjoyable game. For as much as I liked the visual and audio designs, and they really are pretty great, the actual gameplay is just too frustrating and dull too much of the time. I think there’s a place for games that place style over substance, but Agony doesn’t quite stick the landing.

IGN 40
While its bold and detailed environments depict Hell in the most nightmarish ways possible, even the fantastically obscene sights and creepy sounds become mundane and dull by the end of its series of repetitious mazes, unimaginative item hunts, and weak stealth gameplay.
No open esta com 36, ainda não joguei mas vendo gameplay achei o jogo horroroso e não de medo mas de ruim mesmo .

Lizard Devil I

PXB Gold
Setembro 7, 2008
Ilhota - SC
Que pena...
Eu adoro um joguinho de terror/suspense/gore tava acompanhando o lançamento, chegou até num preço razoável mas pelas notas nem vou dar chance.... Talvez no gamepass


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Uma pena o jogo ter deixado tanto a desejar... a temática, design e etc eram bem promissores.

Parece que o capiroto não gostou que fizeram um jogo no quintal dele e zicou o game hahahaha.


Hold The Door.
Fevereiro 5, 2015
Agony dá uma agonia ver as notas recebidas.


Para PC saiu 18 críticas, algumas abaixo:

Eurogamer 70
Agony is a good horror/stealth game, for sure the best representation of Hell ever seen in a game. Although if the visual impact is amazing, many of the mechanics don't work as they should, making the game at times too frustrating or difficult to explore.

CGMagazine 65
Agony is a game I really wanted to love and visually, the game looks rather impressive, even some of the early gameplay moments feel well crafted and fresh, yet, as a whole, Agony just doesn’t hold up against other games of the genre — at best, Agony feels like a lovechild between Red Barrel’s Outlast series and id Software’s 2016 Doom reboot, and at its worst, Agony feels like a game that probably needed a few more months in the crucible before inviting us all to join it down in Hell.

Hooked Gamers 65
At the end of the day, though, Agony exists with too much dissonance to be a completely enjoyable game. For as much as I liked the visual and audio designs, and they really are pretty great, the actual gameplay is just too frustrating and dull too much of the time. I think there’s a place for games that place style over substance, but Agony doesn’t quite stick the landing.

IGN 40
While its bold and detailed environments depict Hell in the most nightmarish ways possible, even the fantastically obscene sights and creepy sounds become mundane and dull by the end of its series of repetitious mazes, unimaginative item hunts, and weak stealth gameplay.
"...for sure the best representation of Hell..."

Esse pessoal que tirou férias no inferno e voltou.

Enviado do meu Moto G (4) usando o app mobile do PXB!


Abril 28, 2016
Campina Grande
Não ligo muito pra notas. No entanto assisti um gameplay e achei muito confuso e desinteressante o jogo. Cansei de só de assistir. Só fiquei sabendo do jogo agora.. daí até animei.. mas depois de assistir, nosssa.. parece bem palha. Vou dar uma olhada a mais mas bem sem esperança

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