Sony Habilita Remote Play PsVita para os jogos god collection e ico/shadow of collossus


Março 27, 2009
segue matéria do blog playstation us

"""""" We’ve got some great news for PS Vita owners today concerning Remote Play, the application that enables you to interact remotely with PS3 using your PS Vita and a Wi-Fi connection. Starting today, PS3 owners will be able to download an update for God of War Collection and Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection that will enable these classic games to be played from their PS Vita using the Remote Play function.
So what does this mean? It means you’ll be able to enjoy two classic HD collections almost anywhere, whether you’re around your PS3 or not, from the comfort of your PS Vita and a Wi-Fi signal. Both collections include customizable control options, so you can choose to have the R2 and L2 buttons from your PS3 mapped to PS Vita’s rear touchpad. This is great news because God of War, God of War II, Ico, and Shadow of the Colossus represent some of the most beloved and acclaimed titles in videogaming — and both collections look stunning on PS Vita’s brilliant 5” OLED screen.
To access the Remote Play functionality for both God of War Collection and ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection, you’ll need to download patches for each game on your PS3, at no extra cost. Once you download each patch and try out Remote Play for yourself on PS Vita, be sure to let us know what you think!
In addition to playing selected games remotely, the Remote Play feature enables you to access music, videos, and photos stored on your PS3 through your PS Vita. For instructions on how to set up your PS3 and PS Vita for Remote Play please visit our guide here.

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pra quem o vita, tá aí a dica....vou querer jogar o ico collection...como não tinha jogado ainda no ps3...vou experimentar no vita pra ver como fica.....agora é aguardar pra ver se a sony libera a função para outros jogos



Março 20, 2009
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
"Both collections include customizable control options, so you can choose to have the R2 and L2 buttons from your PS3 mapped to PS Vita’s rear touchpad.", ok! Mas vai ser uma merda assim. De qualquer forma é uma excelente notícia.


Março 27, 2009
"Both collections include customizable control options, so you can choose to have the R2 and L2 buttons from your PS3 mapped to PS Vita’s rear touchpad.", ok! Mas vai ser uma merda assim. De qualquer forma é uma excelente notícia.
cara, pior q não sabia...testei o god collection e a parte superior (esquerda e direita) do touchpad traseiro funciona bem pra caramba....pelo menos pra mim não houve problema....

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