Tópico Oficial Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition - Abrace o desconhecido


Dezembro 1, 2015
Cotia - SP
Pelo trailer parece um jogo novo mesmo, e pelo ponto de vista da Hornet se no final chegar na mesma cena ia ser muito bom.

Espero que saia logo pra xbox, nao queria jogar no Switch e ficar sem conquistas rs vai dar um vazio nao ver elas pipocando na tela.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
No time for fluff today gang. Let’s leap straight in for the big reveal, in trailer form
Hollow Knight: Silksong is the second game by Team Cherry (that’s us!) and the full-scale sequel to Hollow Knight.
And Pwoarrrrrrowza! if this one hasn’t been a struggle to keep under-wraps! Hidden behind the scenes, Hornet’s gigantic adventure has been growing (and growing and growing!) for well over a year now, with the very first pieces coming together right after the original PC release of Hollow Knight on Feb 24th 2017.


Almost from the very start, Hornet’s adventure was intended to take place in a new land, but as we dove in, it quickly became too large and too unique to stay a DLC, as initially planned. We do know that makes the wait a little longer, but we think the final, fresh world you’ll get to explore is worth it.
Hollow Knight: Silksong will be available, at launch, on Windows, Mac, Linux & Nintendo Switch. More platforms may happen! Just remember, we’re 3 people, already working rather hard, so we haven’t committed to anything else just yet. We don’t wanna collapse before we get this massive bug kingdom ready for you.


Eager to know more about Hollow Knight: Silksong, then we’ve lots of options: You can dive into the text below; jump over to the brand new website hollowknightsilksong.com(we made this yesterday!); or you can watch us go through it all in casual video form!

As Hornet, princess-protector of Hallownest, adventure through a whole new kingdom haunted by silk and song. Captured and brought to an unfamiliar land, Hornet must battle foes and solve mysteries as she ascends on a deadly pilgrimage to the kingdom’s peak.

Hollow Knight: Silksong is the epic sequel to Hollow Knight, the award winning action-adventure of bugs and heroes. As the lethal hunter Hornet, journey to all-new lands, discover new powers, battle vast hordes of bugs and beasts and uncover ancient secrets tied to your nature and your past.

Game Features
  • Discover a whole new kingdom! Explore coral forests, mossy grottos, gilded cities and misted moors as you ascend to the shining citadel at the top of the world.
  • Engage in lethal acrobatic action! Wield a whole new suite of nimble moves as you dance between foes in deadly, beautiful combat.
  • Craft powerful tools! Master an ever-expanding arsenal of weapons, traps and mechanisms to confound your enemies and explore new heights.
  • Solve shocking quests! Hunt down rare beasts, unearth ancient mysteries and search for lost treasures to fulfil the wishes of the downtrodden and restore the kingdom’s hope. Prepare for the unexpected!
  • Face over 150 all-new foes! Beasts and hunters, assassins and kings, monsters and knights – defeat them all with bravery and skill!
  • Experience a stunning orchestral score! Hollow Knight’s award-winning composer, Christopher Larkin, returns to bring melancholy melodies, symphonic strings and heart-thumping, soul strumming boss themes to the adventure.
  • Challenge Silk Soul mode! Once you conquer the game, test your skills in an all-new mode that spins the game into a unique, challenging experience.



PXB Gold
Dezembro 10, 2014
No time for fluff today gang. Let’s leap straight in for the big reveal, in trailer form
Hollow Knight: Silksong is the second game by Team Cherry (that’s us!) and the full-scale sequel to Hollow Knight.
And Pwoarrrrrrowza! if this one hasn’t been a struggle to keep under-wraps! Hidden behind the scenes, Hornet’s gigantic adventure has been growing (and growing and growing!) for well over a year now, with the very first pieces coming together right after the original PC release of Hollow Knight on Feb 24th 2017.


Almost from the very start, Hornet’s adventure was intended to take place in a new land, but as we dove in, it quickly became too large and too unique to stay a DLC, as initially planned. We do know that makes the wait a little longer, but we think the final, fresh world you’ll get to explore is worth it.
Hollow Knight: Silksong will be available, at launch, on Windows, Mac, Linux & Nintendo Switch. More platforms may happen! Just remember, we’re 3 people, already working rather hard, so we haven’t committed to anything else just yet. We don’t wanna collapse before we get this massive bug kingdom ready for you.


Eager to know more about Hollow Knight: Silksong, then we’ve lots of options: You can dive into the text below; jump over to the brand new website hollowknightsilksong.com(we made this yesterday!); or you can watch us go through it all in casual video form!

As Hornet, princess-protector of Hallownest, adventure through a whole new kingdom haunted by silk and song. Captured and brought to an unfamiliar land, Hornet must battle foes and solve mysteries as she ascends on a deadly pilgrimage to the kingdom’s peak.

Hollow Knight: Silksong is the epic sequel to Hollow Knight, the award winning action-adventure of bugs and heroes. As the lethal hunter Hornet, journey to all-new lands, discover new powers, battle vast hordes of bugs and beasts and uncover ancient secrets tied to your nature and your past.

Game Features
  • Discover a whole new kingdom! Explore coral forests, mossy grottos, gilded cities and misted moors as you ascend to the shining citadel at the top of the world.
  • Engage in lethal acrobatic action! Wield a whole new suite of nimble moves as you dance between foes in deadly, beautiful combat.
  • Craft powerful tools! Master an ever-expanding arsenal of weapons, traps and mechanisms to confound your enemies and explore new heights.
  • Solve shocking quests! Hunt down rare beasts, unearth ancient mysteries and search for lost treasures to fulfil the wishes of the downtrodden and restore the kingdom’s hope. Prepare for the unexpected!
  • Face over 150 all-new foes! Beasts and hunters, assassins and kings, monsters and knights – defeat them all with bravery and skill!
  • Experience a stunning orchestral score! Hollow Knight’s award-winning composer, Christopher Larkin, returns to bring melancholy melodies, symphonic strings and heart-thumping, soul strumming boss themes to the adventure.
  • Challenge Silk Soul mode! Once you conquer the game, test your skills in an all-new mode that spins the game into a unique, challenging experience.


Eu quero isso!!!
Última edição:

ZuLuU 13

Só observando
PXB Gold
Maio 15, 2009
Limeira - SP
Chegando tarde para jogar essa obra prima de jogo, mas antes tarde do que nunca.

Gostaria de tirar apenas uma dúvida: O BANQUEIRO SUMIU COM TODOS MEUS GEOs?
Última edição:


Its not just a number
Maio 7, 2010
Chegando tarde para jogar essa obra-prima de jogo, mas antes tarde do que nunca.

Gostaria de tirar apenas uma dúvida: O BANQUEIRO SUMIU COM TODOS MEUS GEOs?
Hoje em dia tá feio a situação, não podemos confiar em mais ninguém.

Não se preocupe, você conseguirá recuperar elas, mas para isso precisa achar ele em alguma parte do mapa que não sei onde é e mata-lo, você ira recuperar seu dinheiro e mais uma % em cima do que você depositou.


Não tão Novato
Outubro 8, 2013
Little Boat City - SC
???? Sabia disso não. Realmente uma obra prima, que jogaço. Ainda tô bem no começo, creio eu mas tô gostando bastante. Ainda bem que eu não abri conta no banco... nem vou abrir então. hahaha


Um Nahobino...
PXB Gold
Abril 5, 2018
Esse tempo me lembrou q eu preciso voltar pra essa belezura. Joguei umas 6h mas parei pq tava de ressaca de jogos, mas agora q passou, me jogar de novo.


Não tão Novato
Outubro 8, 2013
Little Boat City - SC
Indo dormir com a sensação de derrotado. Duas horassem avançar um cm no mapa
Morrendo para o mesmo inimigo a noite toda, Cavaleiro Sentinela.
Fica triste não. Esse jogo é cheio de caminhos pelo que eu pude notar e as vezes a gente acaba se jogando nuns becos sem saída só que vale a pena dar uma vasculhada no mapa e tentar achar algum outro ponto que tu possa seguir e encontrar algum upgrade ou o negócio é pegar o ritmo do cavaleiro e matar ele do jeito que puder.
  • Curtir
Reações: ZuLuU 13

ZuLuU 13

Só observando
PXB Gold
Maio 15, 2009
Limeira - SP
Me identificando demais com a "Arena dos Tolos".

Somente um tolo (como eu) para gastar a tarde de domingo inteira tentando realizar aqueles desafios e falhando miseravelmente. Parei no segunda leva de desafio.
  • Haha
Reações: CaioNF

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