Halo Infinite (6) mostra a nova direção artística da série


Julho 9, 2016
Se for sair lá pra depois de 2020 existe a chance de nem sair na Xbox base. Aliás, eu me pergunto se o Xbox base hoje conseguiria rodar aquilo. Claro, não estava tão impressionante a ponto de ser algo que não vimos em nenhum outro jogo dessa geração, mas a 60fps + splitscreen + um teórico mundo aberto a coisa muda de figura.
É, difícil imaginar um jogo com um escopo tão grande chegando no One base. Talvez venha com alguns conteúdos limitados ou algo do tipo.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Windows Central publicou indicativo de que o local do jogo seja Instalação 07.

Although the initial reveal sparked more questions than answers, one keen-eyed Reddit user may have unearthed more surrounding the game's setting. Breaking down morse code broadcasting on a walkie-talkie, the trailer appears to contain a hidden message, "SOS ZETA HALO GRD." This likely refers to "Zeta Halo" – one of seven remaining Halo ringworld in existing lore, named Installation 07. This installation has been mentioned extensively through the books, but is yet to make be featured in the games themselves.
Diving into its background, Installation 07 appears to house an Earth-like ecosystem, with rich flora and fauna on its surface. As highlighted in the trailer, the world is packed with grasslands, forests, deserts, and an abundance of animals similar to those on Earth. The "Halo: Hunters in the Dark" novel even makes reference to "deer-like animals," which are likely those featured in Halo Infinite's opening trailer.

Installation 07 also appears to feature heavy ties to Forerunner heritage, with Flood and infected Forerunners supposedly left on the ring when most life was relocated to the Ark. The location is home to proto-Graveminds and other Flood organisms – potentially laying foundations for their revival after Halo 3. Whether or not they survived the original activation of the rings by the Forerunners remains unclear, though we'll hear more leading up to launch.

Deeper dives into Installation 07 and its history can be found throughout Halo novels, though roundups of most specifics can be found online.


Seria interessante eles usarem esse cenário mesmo.
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Reações: OLD-MAN


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Imagens sem compressão.




Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Rogelio Olguin, que trabalhou como environment artist (artista da parte de ambientação) em jogos como The Last of Us, Uncharted 4 e Uncharted Lost Legacy - ou seja, um ex Naughty Dog - acaba de se juntar ao time da 343i. Botei uma screens abaixo do comentário do cara pra quem quer conhecer e ver o que ele já fez, tem mais no link no início do post (nome dele).

I am going to part of Microsoft Studios with the 343 crew. This adventure started almost two months ago, and I am thrilled, excited, elated, pumped, overjoyed, and generally a happy camper that this is happening. Always loved the Halo universe and 343 has something special coming up. Something so special that 343 managed to rip me from the clutches of a studio I hold near and dear to my heart Naughty Dog! I have been at Naughty Dog for almost six years now and it has been the longest studio I have ever worked at in my career... You all know me, I tell it to you all straight. I am heartbroken to leave such a great studio. The people from all levels have been great to me.


Henry Cheng and I were dual environment artists on this section. He took care of most of the modeling and I did texturing/shading and modeling in two main sections when it came to the temple looks.


I worked with Brian Recktenwald who was the modeler on this section, my primary involvement was Texture/shading although I helped with modeling also.



These are some views of the part of the chase sequence I worked on. City Chase was a level I was assigned early as the texture artist with Zachery Oliver (modeler), and Scott Greenway (lighter).


Towards the end of Uncharted 4 project I was assigned to oversee the sunken ruins section. Here is the area I worked on most. I ended up modeling a great deal of the Avery's Palace and also material creation. The entire exterior on the palace was done in 2 days. We were on a tight deadline. I contributed as a Modeler, Textures Artist and Technical Artist.



Texture and Shading for levels at NaughtyDog. I worked on the prologue, riverbank, and some other levels to help out.
Última edição:


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
Rogelio Olguin, que trabalhou como environment artist (artista da parte de ambientação) em jogos como The Last of Us, Uncharted 4 e Uncharted Lost Legacy - ou seja, um ex Naughty Dog - acaba de se juntar ao time da 343i.

I am going to part of Microsoft Studios with the 343 crew. This adventure started almost two months ago, and I am thrilled, excited, elated, pumped, overjoyed, and generally a happy camper that this is happening. Always loved the Halo universe and 343 has something special coming up. Something so special that 343 managed to rip me from the clutches of a studio I hold near and dear to my heart Naughty Dog! I have been at Naughty Dog for almost six years now and it has been the longest studio I have ever worked at in my career... You all know me, I tell it to you all straight. I am heartbroken to leave such a great studio. The people from all levels have been great to me.
Halo 6 começou com o pé direito. As expectativas vao ser bem altas pra esse jogo!


Março 6, 2018
Rogelio Olguin, que trabalhou como environment artist (artista da parte de ambientação) em jogos como The Last of Us, Uncharted 4 e Uncharted Lost Legacy - ou seja, um ex Naughty Dog - acaba de se juntar ao time da 343i. Botei uma screens abaixo do comentário do cara pra quem quer conhecer e ver o que ele já fez, tem mais no link no início do post (nome dele).

I am going to part of Microsoft Studios with the 343 crew. This adventure started almost two months ago, and I am thrilled, excited, elated, pumped, overjoyed, and generally a happy camper that this is happening. Always loved the Halo universe and 343 has something special coming up. Something so special that 343 managed to rip me from the clutches of a studio I hold near and dear to my heart Naughty Dog! I have been at Naughty Dog for almost six years now and it has been the longest studio I have ever worked at in my career... You all know me, I tell it to you all straight. I am heartbroken to leave such a great studio. The people from all levels have been great to me.
Caramba MS tá ON FIRE em.
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Reações: wosi


Julho 9, 2016
Rogelio Olguin, que trabalhou como environment artist (artista da parte de ambientação) em jogos como The Last of Us, Uncharted 4 e Uncharted Lost Legacy - ou seja, um ex Naughty Dog - acaba de se juntar ao time da 343i. Botei uma screens abaixo do comentário do cara pra quem quer conhecer e ver o que ele já fez, tem mais no link no início do post (nome dele).

I am going to part of Microsoft Studios with the 343 crew. This adventure started almost two months ago, and I am thrilled, excited, elated, pumped, overjoyed, and generally a happy camper that this is happening. Always loved the Halo universe and 343 has something special coming up. Something so special that 343 managed to rip me from the clutches of a studio I hold near and dear to my heart Naughty Dog! I have been at Naughty Dog for almost six years now and it has been the longest studio I have ever worked at in my career... You all know me, I tell it to you all straight. I am heartbroken to leave such a great studio. The people from all levels have been great to me.
Quero logo ver um gameplay desse Halo.

Cap Holandes

Rei do Gulag!?
Outubro 16, 2013
Halo tem o inverso com mundos já mais visto, mas sempre nos jogos é a mesma coisa, inimigos e mais inimigos! muitos estão criticando os rinocerontes e animais, eu estou amando finalmente esses "HALOS" parecem vivos.


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
Halo tem o inverso com mundos já mais visto, mas sempre nos jogos é a mesma coisa, inimigos e mais inimigos! muitos estão criticando os rinocerontes e animais, eu estou amando finalmente esses "HALOS" parecem vivos.
Halo é um produto transmidia, os livros e quadrinhos complementam a historia e muita gente sabe disso (inclusive tem varios dos livros da serie que sao best sellers nos EUA)

o povo que futuca as teorias nos trailers ja deu a dica de que o mostrado em Halo Infinite é a Instalação 07, que ja apareceu em vários livros mas que ainda nao tinha sido mostrada nos jogos. essa 07 é um Halo que replica a fauna e a flora da Terra, por isso os animais estao representados no trailer:

Diving into its background, Installation 07 appears to house an Earth-like ecosystem, with rich flora and fauna on its surface. As highlighted in the trailer, the world is packed with grasslands, forests, deserts, and an abundance of animals similar to those on Earth. The "Halo: Hunters in the Dark" novel even makes reference to "deer-like animals," which are likely those featured in Halo Infinite's opening trailer.

Installation 07 also appears to feature heavy ties to Forerunner heritage, with Flood and infected Forerunners supposedly left on the ring when most life was relocated to the Ark. The location is home to proto-Graveminds and other Flood organisms – potentially laying foundations for their revival after Halo 3. Whether or not they survived the original activation of the rings by the Forerunners remains unclear, though we'll hear more leading up to launch.

Deeper dives into Installation 07 and its history can be found throughout Halo novels, though roundups of most specifics can be found online. Although not confirmed by Microsoft, the ringworld is expected to feature in some capacity for Halo Infinite. What are your opinions on the game so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
and an abundance of animals similar to those on Earth.

Não são idênticos porque as espécies foram recolhidas há talvez 500 mil, 1 milhão de anos, logo se desenvolveram/evoluíram de forma diversa ao que encontramos hoje na Terra.

Tensor Plissken

Janeiro 25, 2015
Essas imagens do trailer me lembram muito uma questão atmosférica mais do Combat Evolved e Reach, que são justamente os meus preferidos. Espero que coloquem esses dois games embaixo do braço e usem como inspiração.

Realmente o Guardians foi decepcionante pra mim. Gostaria que se afastassem dele.
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Reações: Edu Barros

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